FMIGS Update

We have had a productive year, implementing significant and impactful changes at the FMIGS board level. First, we focused on internal committee reorganization, enhancing our guidelines with clear timelines, expectations, and term limits. Additionally, we established two new committees: the Simulation Committee and the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) Committee.

The FMIGS board assigned a board-liaison to each committee to enhance communication between committees and the board. The committee chairs also presented an update to the Board mid-year to review annual goal progress as well as challenges along the way. If you are interested in joining an FMIGS committee, please apply! Applications open November 1, 2024.

As we transition our subspecialty description from Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery (MIGS) to Complex Benign Gynecology (CBG), we are restructuring our fellowship to align with other ABOG (American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology) certified programs. This shift is exemplified by the significant revamping of the ACGME case log system by the Case Log Taskforce, which aims to better represent our complex surgical procedures, many of which are not captured by current procedural terminology (CPT) codes.

The new case log categorizes procedures by level of complexity—simple, moderate, and complex—and requires logging based on the highest level of complexity achieved. Additionally, new coding categories have been developed to encompass the complete spectrum of our practice, such as specimen extraction codes, including port-site extraction and vaginal culdotomy extraction. While this will increase the case logging requirements for our fellows, meticulous logging will effectively document our robust and complex practices, thereby distinguishing our subspecialty in the field.

We are in the final stages of establishing the case minimums, led by the Case Log Minimums Taskforce, which will quantify the required numbers for each category that each fellow must achieve before graduation. With the reorganization of the case logging system, these minimums will be more detailed and specific and the updated procedure classifications will replace the previous AAGL Minimum report.

Finally, an Accreditation Taskforce has been established to partner with ABOG to provide the content needed to continue advancing towards subspecialty recognition. We will collate the incredible and consistent work from the FMIGS board and FMIGS committees for further ABOG review.

This commitment to quality and excellence is further underscored by the impressive interest in our fellowship programs. Our fellowship programs have emerged as the most competitive postgraduate training program in OBGYN in the U.S., with 81 applications for 47 positions across 43 sites in the 2024 cycle – reflecting its significance in the field.

As we strive for continued innovation and recognition, we are optimistic about the future. The dedication of our Board, committees, and fellows positions us for ongoing success and impact within the discipline. Together, we will cultivate the next generation of leaders in gynecological surgery. Please join us in celebrating our graduating fellows at the FMIGS Graduation on Friday, November 15th, 6:30pm-7:30pm, followed by a Cocktail Reception 7:30pm-8:30pm held at the Higgins Hotel, Arcadia Ballroom in New Orleans. 

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