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- No events scheduled for 28 August, 2023.
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Week of Events
AAGL Hysteroscopy SIG Webinar: Office Hysteroscopy: Mastering the Basics
AAGL Hysteroscopy SIG Webinar: Office Hysteroscopy: Mastering the Basics
AAGL Hysteroscopy SIG Webinar: Click here to register. Webinar Topic: Office Hysteroscopy: Mastering the Basics Presented by: Sergio Haimovich MD, PhD, Laniado University Hospital, Netanya, Israel Talk Title: "Counseling for Office Hysteroscopy Initiation" Jose Carugno, MD, University of Miami, Miami, FL Talk Title: "From Vaginoscopy All the Way into the Uterine Cavity: The Journey" Amira…